Saturday, June 23, 2007

Holy Cow!

So, instead of starting a new blog, I decided to claim my old one.

It has been a rough year. The reason I stopped blogging (not that I was very good at it to begin with), was that my mother's illness progressed and eventually passed away. In the middle of it, my father died from injuries he received in a motorcycle accident. I really, really don't want to go through all the details. Just know that its been a crappy, crappy year (over a year I guess) and I'm finally starting to claim my normal life back.

Woot for me!!

I've finally started to get a decent 8 hours sleep! I weaned my child at night and now he rarely wakes up. We're still co-sleeping which is sorta a surprise to me. I thought we would have kicked him out by now (or at least tried), but we actually enjoy it. I love waking up with a happy Ian. Some mornings its hard. Like this morning we woke up to crying and him screaming, "You have to get up! You HAVE to get up! It's morning time!" It was like a nightmare. I don't know what got into his little toddler brain, but it was just *wrong*.

I've been playing WoW, and I love it. I finally hit level 70 and now I'm kinda bored. I just don't like grinding for rep. Bleh. I play Smita on the Llane server. I sorta started a new Horde character on another server, but I haven't been movitated to play it much.

My newest obssesion is feeding wild birds. I don't know why, but I really enjoyed watching all of the little wild birdies at my Granny's house when I visited there in May. So I decided I'd put up a feeder in my backyard. We have lots of empty wooded lots around us, so our birds seem more "wild" than Granny's city birds. I've only seen pairs of each type of bird and they usually come together. A pair of doves, a pair of cardnials. We even have woodpeckers. Bluejay's too. I even saw a mockingbird yesterday. Oh, and a grass snake. Lots of butterflies. Anyway, its pretty cool. And dang hot outside. I'm hoping that this winter I see more birds and it will be more enjoyable because it will be cooler. My biggest plan is to make a solar powered bird bath. All the info on the internet says that birds are attracted to moving water. I've got an awesome idea in my head, but I want to surprise everyone with a picture of it when I'm done. Its going to be a disappearing fountain.

I did get to decorate my house finally. Some of it at any rate. We painted the living room and den area. I have a new desk section. I love it! I really enjoy living in a place that has my own touch in it. For once!!

I'm off to get myself in trouble in WoW.


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