Thursday, January 05, 2006

Adventures in Sleepland.

Hey, here I am again months later.

Woot! I found time to post. Aren't you amazed? Actually its only because my child has run into his own routine. He's started regularly falling asleep around noon, and staying asleep for at least two hours. Its so very nice of him. He has also gotten just a little bit more relaxed about falling asleep. No battle for 15 minutes. At one point in his short life, I had to rock and nurse him to sleep in a room with a TV blaring just to get him to fall asleep. If you did it in a quiet room, he knew what you were up to and would start screaming and kicking.

Last night however, he was getting kinda sleepy and I could see it. It was 10 something and John had already gone to bed. Well he was not wanting to nurse, and was just content to watch TV in my lap (an oddity in and of itself). He kept yawning and shaking his head trying to stay awake. He was so limp that I just took him into the bedroom and laid him down with me. He started to nurse to sleep but then flopped over on to his tummy and just closed his eyes. He let out a final noise of protest and fell asleep. It was too funny. I wouldn't have considered that a victory, but he did almost the same thing for a nap today. Well, he did nurse himself to sleep, but normally he would never have let me take him into the bedroom before he was fully asleep. Just walking into the bedroom before would have sent him into a fussy fit.

So here I am. My kitchen is clean. I don't know what to do with myself. So I decided to post to my blog. Woootnwoot. I'm just so happy that my high maintenence baby is sorta letting up i some areas. He actually watches a TV show here or there and I can actually get some things done. Or, he's happy to just be in a ROOM with me vs. having me in his face constantly. Someone told me, "Oh, its easy for me to get the housework done. I just sit my daughter next to me when I fold laundry." WTF ever. WElllllll goood for you. I didn't say anything. She's a Ferber mom too. I knew there was nothing I could tell her that would convince her that my child isn't wired that way.

That's what I'm happy about this week. :)


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